Meet Sue
A little about me
Art is my passion and my friend. It keeps me grounded and peaceful. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I am never alone. The ideas come in torrents or trickles - but they come if I am open to them. It is like listening to a beautiful piece of music - it touches me and takes me to a very joyful place.
I love working with raw, honest, natural materials including recycled woods, especially Ash and Southern Yellow Pine and recycled paper and magazines. I use natural dyes whenever I can, such as blueberries to turmeric, coffee and chilli oil.
The loves of my life are my four children, my friends, business, and being creative. I love to think differently and have a go. I sailed the Atlantic, with my two small children when I was thirty and this spirit has stayed with me. I love the challenge of a new Art project or creating a new business.